Foster Provost
School of Business
Ira Rennert Professor of Entrepreneurship
Professor of Data Science
Professor of Information Systems
Paduano Fellow in Business Ethics (Emeritus)

Research Interests
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science & Business Analytics
Crowdsourcing & Human-AI Loops
Advertising and Advertising Technology
(Social) Network Data

What's the Latest?

Professor Provost designs, builds, and studies AI, machine learning, and data science methods for business impact. He has co-founded several successful startups, worked with companies large and small to design and align their AI/data science strategies, and has designed the detailed machine learning systems and processes for many high-impact products.
Professor Provost’s research has won numerous awards, has received substantial scholarly attention, and has been used broadly in industry.
Foster also has been teaching both the scientific and business perspectives on data science/AI/ML for over 25 years. His book Data Science for Business may be the best-selling data science book of all time.
Foster currently is working full-time for the real-estate tech giant Compass, focusing on AI Strategy and machine learning science.